If you have reached this page, it is probably because your mail to our site has been returned and has referenced this page. This site utilizes several measures to avoid receiving unwanted unsolicited e-mail, specifically those related to sales, marketing, fund-raising, polling, etc. These techniques occasionally result in rejection of legitimate e-mail, and we apologize for the difficulty.
The following are messages you are likely to receive, and what they mean:
Server {ip-address} blocked due to being listed in Spamhaus SBL
This indicates that the mail server you are using (likely an Internet provider's) has been listed on the Spamhaus Block List. This is a very low-risk blacklist and typically contains only addresses of servers actively originating spam. To be removed from this list, you must have the person responsible for the addresses you are using refer to the Spamhaus delisting procedure and follow the instructions listed there.
Server {ip-address} blocked due to being listed in Spamhaus XBL
This indicates that the mail server you are using (likely an Internet provider's) has been listed on the Spamhaus Exploits Block List. This is a moderate-risk blacklist that contains the addresses of systems that have been infected with a virus and are being used to attack other systems or send spam, or that the system operates software that has been identified as facilitating the use of such software. To be removed from this list, consult the Spamhaus XBL FAQ and follow the process listed there. It is likely that your computer has other issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible.
Not permitted to send to this address; contact {address}
There are several addresses in kloepfer.org and kloepfer.net that operate by invitation only. This means that we must have all your e-mail addresses that you plan to use before you can send to this address.
Your best course of action is to temporarily use the address listed in the error message and re-send that e-mail to the address (if it is not urgent) or telephone the person you are trying to contact. Usually this message occurs when someone uses multiple e-mail addresses and only provides us with one, or changes their e-mail address without contacting us.
message is never received
In addition to the blacklists above, we also use a software program that examines the contents of each e-mail received and gives it a score indicating how likely it is to be spam. The software bases the score on previous spam received as well as some broad indicators of commonly used spam attributes (such as commenting on body parts or mentioning drugs in the subject line). If the score on an e-mail message is exceedingly high, which would be considered a very high probability of being spam, the message is completely discarded. If it the score is just high enough to most likely be considered spam, it is filed into an area that is rarely, if ever, looked at.
To avoid having your e-mail classified as spam, please assure that you have a reasonable subject line (not blank, and not one that just has someone's name in it). Also be sure that you are not forwarding chain-letters or similar types of e-mail from other people (especially if you retain all the mail headers), as these are sometimes considered spam.
If you are running your own mail server on a residential cable modem or DSL connection be sure that your ISP permits such activity on your class of service. So many residential computers have become infected with software that sends out spam that entire blocks of dynamic IP addresses are blocked, and these are very difficult to get unblocked without your ISP's assistance. If your class of service doesn't permit e-mail servers to be run, then you will likely not receive that assistance.
If you continue to have difficulty sending legitimate e-mail to the kloepfer.org or kloepfer.net domains, then please contact the telephone number listed in the domain's "whois" information if you don't already have a contact phone number. We will take whatever steps are necessary to relieve you of any frustration getting past these safeguards.
Again, our apologies for any difficulty the e-mail blocks have caused. Please understand that we do value e-mail messages from people, and that receiving an inordinate number of spam messages creates an environment where we cannot easily sort out the good messages from the bad ones.
Last revised:
Sun Mar 28 14:59:09 CDT 2010
Web page contents ©2010 Gil Kloepfer, Jr. All Rights Reserved